Undertale Mugen Download Link

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Undertale Mugen Download Link Apk


Notice: Please do not reupload anything from this site anywhere else! (Mugen Archive, etc.)

20th January 2019 - new year
So. It's now 2019. Whilst I was primarily silent for 2018, I plan to be a little less so throughout this year. That's not saying I'm going back to being fully 'social', but I am planning to put out more worthwhile creations. Namely, some characters. We could consider these a 'Season Two' of sorts, as I hope they will be leagues above my previous characters in terms of quality. Some older characters may also receive updates in the form of new attacks and such.
But to kick-off the new year, I've currently got two characters being slowly worked on. Whilst one of these is likely to only be a private release, I can confirm one who will be made public when the time is right. Despite me previously saying I'm done with Undertale.. is it fair to count Deltarune as the same thing? Even so, I couldn't help it. I had a great idea for this interesting guy and I just have to bring it to life as best as my abilities will allow. Thus, I present to you.. Jevil.
He's hardly worth being called 'complete' right now. All that's done as of me typing this are the required animations. However, that's a big hurdle for me out of the way already, so hopefully things will proceed smoothly.
Does this character mean I'll work on other Undertale/Deltarune characters afterwards? Probably not. That's not saying I'm forcing myself to make Jevil, though. I've had fun just coming up with the ideas for his moveset, and I hope to faithfully recreate these ideas in-game to make a truly great fighter.
However. These days I focus more on my art and writing during my free time, and I also have long work days four times a week. As such, progress on Jevil (and subsequently other characters I create) will go at it's own pace: Whenever I have the time to work on him, and when I want to work on him. Please keep this in-mind.
Once good progress has been made on Jevil, I plan to post a reveal video to my YouTube channel. So keep on the lookout for that in the coming months.
8th October 2018 - Morytha (re)released
Apparently I only ever put this stage out elsewhere and not here, so.. time to fix that. Would rather it be available from my official source, given it's my own creation (barring that it's a Xenoblade 2 stage, of course).
Nothing has been changed from the previous public upload of this stage; it's the exact same thing, right down to using the same ZIP archive.
As with the other stages, Morytha is now available from the Stages tab.
17th September 2018 - Slight Pahpeeruz update
Been some time, hasn't it? For most of the year I've focused on my artwork and writing rather than Mugen, along with some irl stuff, but have been working on some things like stages and even a new character. But for now, here's a small update for Pahpeeruz; it just fixes the anti-cheap mode, as I realized recently that it was a little borked. Redownloading the character is recommended (same place as always).
Update notes:
*Fixed anti-cheap related issues
7th March 2018 - Pahpeeruz released and the end of Undertale
Started in late 2016, Pahpeeruz was meant to parody the stupid amount of Undertale AUs. However, as development continued in 2017, it became less about that original idea and instead just a generic joke edit. Now, in 2018, I'm at last releasing it after a very long delay. Whilst not 100% completed, it's of a good enough standard that I'm fine releasing it.
Whilst there's little to no Undertale left in it, it is now that I'll also announce that I'm done with Undertale content. I've been into the game since it first released in 2015, so at this point I'm really burned out on it and don't care much for it anymore. That's not to say I hate the game or anything/anyone related to it, however: I just won't be producing anymore Undertale characters or stages for Mugen.
You can download this character from the aptly titled character section. Just be aware that it contains heavy flashing lights.
11th December 2017 - Mettaton NEO released
A long time ago, I made a Mettaton NEO character for the purpose of a single YouTube video. It was never released to the public.. until now. No, this is not a joke: I'm releasing this old (and pointless) character for public use. Just don't expect any updates for it.
Unleash the power of neo by downloading Mettaton from the character section.
Update notes:
*Initial release
23rd November 2017 - Arbok released
There's pretty much no good Arbok for Mugen. The only decent one is an NSFW version made by Noahshime. Well, an old project of mine was a SFW conversion of said character that I recently re-discovered and decided to quickly finish-up.
All NSFW aspects, including leftover sprites and sounds, have been cleaned from the character to make it safe for everyone to use. However, this means it lacks extra specials and any form of hypers. Perhaps one day I'll add more to it myself.
The powerful cobra Pokémon is available from the edits section.
Update notes:
*Initial release
6th November 2017 - Flame Hyenard edit released
Made a very quick edit of RicePigeon's ancient Flame Hyenard character. Whipped it up in about two days.
It's pretty much the same thing but now with an actual sprite and cleaner sound rips, among other minor edits.
You can download this ear-bleedingly annoying arsonist from the edits section.
Update notes:
*Initial release
2nd November 2017 - Unplanned delay
Pahpeeruz (the chappie seen below) was meant to be released on Halloween, but due to some irl complications I've had to push back my intended release date. Apologies to anyone who was looking forward to the character's release.
Should be up for download by the end of next week, but I won't hold any promises.
25th October 2017 - Coming soon..
Things have been improving at last and I'm now in a better place financially. Many thanks to those that have supported me through the rough patches.
However, this post is not about where I've been (the answer is work and personal stuff). Instead, here's a single screenshot of something I plan to release for Halloween..
Keep watch for a release video sometime soon..
2nd September 2017 - Sans cancelled and beta removed
As much as I want to finish Sans, I cannot bring myself to. The original beta got so much hate, both from random users I've never heard of and even from people that I trusted. Trying to work with it gives me bad memories tied into such hate, and I'm just unable to continue work on the character because of it. There were people who gave legitimate feedback, but most of it was unwarranted hate, all because it was not a complete character.
The download link has been removed. Someone has probably reuploaded it though, so go hate on it all you want. Just keep that hate away from me.
14th August 2017 - Blood Lake released
A stage I made some time before my unplanned leave, that I forgot to release sooner; the blood lake stage of Zenith, from the NES Godzilla creepypasta.
There are still three more NGC stages planned to be made and released, although I'm not sure how many of them I'll actually make.
Enter the mysterious blood lake by downloading it from the stages section.
13th August 2017 - Alive
Yes I'm still alive. After having my YouTube channel unfairly terminated and something from my past leaked, I decided to take a long-ass break from Mugen. Whilst I've currently got nothing to release right now, three (maybe four) more stages based on the NES Godzilla Creepypasta will be in the works soon. As for characters, I'm not too sure yet, other than finishing the NES Godzilla. Just a few ideas but nothing definitive.

So, despite having some family troubles right now, I've still been keeping up with the Mugen community, and saw that Felixmario released his fourth version of Oshawott and the first official release of Snivy. As such, I'm retiring my edit of the character, since the official version needs time to shine. It will still be up for download, but I'll also link to the official version, since that's the one you should check out most.
Not sure when I'll be back in full, but it'll hopefully be soon.
15th May 2017 - 'Zenith: KILL' released
Inspired by one of my old stages, here's a quick creation based around the NES Godzilla Creepypasta.
Not much else to say, ahah. So.. You can download this new stage in the stages section.
5th March 2017 - Ultra Space released
Recently, I re-discovered my SBB Mugen 1.1 roster, which was done by using K.Y-Shanxi's smash bros. mod. Realising the few amount of stages made for the system, I decided to make my own; Ultra Space from Pokémon Sun and Moon.
As a heads-up, due to how the mod functions, this stage will only function on a version of Mugen 1.1 with the SBB mod installed. However, a conversion of this stage for regular 1.0 and 1.1 versions is planned, so stay tuned for that!
You can get this special stage, as well as a link to the mod required for it, at the stages section.
2nd March 2017 - So Sorry update + Adressing Sans
I've finally decided to release this long overdue update. It isn't as complete as I want, but it'll do for now.
Please redownload the character from the characters section, or check it out if you have yet to download.
As for feedback on Sans.. I'm sorry the character isn't how people wanted, and I'm even more sorry for losing my cool at one guy about it. However, you must understand that the version released is my 3rd attempt at making Sans, and is a beta at that. An improved beta should be released sometime soon, if interest for the character is still apparent.
Update notes:
*Gave 'Doodle Swarm' a better input
*Balanced the 'Doodlebog' system
*Position corrections for some gethits
*Fixed icon's colors
*Added some basic custom AI (Will be worked on for future updates)
25th December 2016 - Sans properly added
The gift released yesterday was, as you should know by now, a beta for my Sans character. He has now been properly added to the characters section, so you can get him there or still by clicking the present below.
An update is being made based around the feedback from the beta that I have currently been given, as well as finishing the character (of course :P).
*Proper initial release
24th December 2016 - Christmas present for y'all
Merry Christmas! As it is the season of gifts, have a surprise release as my present to you all:
I won't spoil it here, so click the stock clipart gift to open it for yourself. Enjoy, and happy new year! (^u^)
4th November 2016 - Yukito town square reupload
I recently noticed that this stage went offline due to the creator's website files now being made private, so I've decided to reupload it myself.
You can find this reupload in the 'others' section.
31st October 2016 (2) - Early April fools!
Yeah, I kinda disguised my Halloween release as a Sans beta. A bit of a dick move, but I didn't lie when I promised a skeleton to be released on Halloween.
Anyways, if you didn't know, Spooky Bones is the character I disguised as Sans. He has been properly added to the characters section now, and is still available to download if you want him.
But for those who are still mad, do not fret; Sans may have a legit beta sometime soon.
31st October 2016 (1) - Surprise Halloween release (Sans beta)
It's been a while, and no updates have been posted. However, as it is the month of spooky skellingtons, Sans is having a special beta release!
This special Halloween beta includes some spooky goodies exclusive to this beta.

Not too long ago, Kingdemonic666 released an incredibly cheap, though impressive, version of Gaster. However, the link is a Sendspace link and will eventually expire. As such, I've reuploaded it myself.
It is available for download from the Others section. However, please read ALL the details there before downloading.
30th June 2016 - Undyne the Undying released
My first publically released boss character is now available.
Huge credits to Aeroblast43o9 for the sprites.
Undyne the Undying can be found in the characters section.
Update notes:
*Initial release
14th June 2016 - Mogolovonio released
Forgive me for this.

The artistic dragon from Undertale has come to the world of Mugen as a fighter!
A big thanks to FourthRhyme for providing some sprites. Without him, this character wouldn't be possible.
You can download So Sorry at the characters section.
Update notes:
*Initial release
7th May 2016 - Silly Spooo updated, Snivy mini update
The awaited Silly Spooo version 4 has finally been released! Whilst not adding any new moves/intros/winposes, it does include custom AI! Huge credit to Ironcommando for the help!
Snivy has also received a small update that only changes a few things, mainly minor bugs.
You can get these updates from both the characters and edits sections.
Update notes:
*Added custom AI
*Temporarily removed getting up sound(s)
*Updated character specific winquotes
*Updated movelist
*Updated attract's female detection list
*Fixed a few minor bugs
*Added update log
2nd May 2016 - Faceleech mini WIP
After the abomination of a character that was Kingmadio (From my early days of Mugen) stained Pokémon Snakewood, I've decided to make up for it with a small WIP. Presenting, Faceleech.
True to Snakewood, Faceleech will be an insanely fast and powerful character, but with pitiful defence. He will only use moves he can learn in Snakewood, four as normals and two as hypers.
This is a also a way of me showing my improvement as a creator, since my other WIPs take way too long due to how much content I want to add to them and ONE character (Silly Spooo) isn't really enough to show my improvement.
Faceleech should be released before the end of the week, providing everything goes to plan.
In other news, the WIPs page has been updated according to each characters completion percentage and the others page has been reorganized.
30th April 2016 - Masked Man cancelled
Despite being almost ready for a release (Even though I never updated the WIP page with the progress I made), a fatal bug that indefinitely loops a characters attacking state after hitting the masked man has led to the cancellation of the character. There was no fix I could find, so until the bug CAN be fixed, Masked Man is to remain cancelled. This also means his palette template won't become available.
21st April 2016 - WIPs sorted out + Masked Man reveal
I finally got around to cleaning out the WIPs page. The following have been removed due to cancellation:

The following have been moved to 'not working on':
And finally, Masked Man (Mother 3) is now in development. He's not gotten far at all, but rest assured he should be done pretty soon. A palette template will also be made available soon.
20th April 2016 - Snivy released
Remember the vore Snivy released a while ago? Well, I took it upon myself to remove all vore content and re-add the unused moves (Leaf Blade and Grass Knot). And now, Snivy is being released!
Since the vore version was a leak of Felixmario and Dylanius's unreleased (And now cancelled) Snivy character, they have both been credited appropriately.

A stage I've been working on for a while now. The original version didn't meet my expectations, so I decided to redo it from scratch.
Yup, Winters is finally available to the public! This fan-favourite location is now in Mugen!

So, I've decided to reveal the secret character early, since it is unlikely he will be done anytime soon (Sprite editing this guy is a pain).
Based off his Hypergod of Death form, Asriel will be partially cheap and carry his attacks from the fight against him. He'll also have a unique ability; Calling 'lost souls' of other MUGEN characters to attack.
Don't expect him to be released soon. It'll take a while for me to get all the sprites done, and then I have to do the coding.
10th April 2016 - The Ruins and Onett Arcade released
I started this yesterday and finished it today, and probably the last UNDERTALE stage for a while; Ruins has been released!
It has quite a few animations in the form of some Froggit, Moldsmal and Whimsun watching the fight from the background.
As for Onett Arcade, I made this a while ago but never released it until now. No idea why.
You can get these newest releases in the stages section.
6th April 2016 - Sans announced
Since FourthRhyme is doing Papyrus, I figured I might as well do Sans to go with him.
He has a focus on setting up Gaster Blasters around the stage and then firing them off. Don't think he'll be done before Frisk, but he might have a beta release.

There was a bug that I didn't dscover until today, so I needed to fix that ASAP. Please redownload Omega Flowey.
*Fixed a missing anim related bug

Big surprise, Omega Flowey was just a joke I built up for April fools day. Maybe I'll make a proper Flowey one day, though.
Anyways, you can find this mini-update at the characters section.
*Redone the Readme file
*Added some compatabilities
1st April 2016 - Omega Flowey beta release!
Since Flowey is to a point of working standard, I feel it's time for a public beta.
You can get him in the characters section.
Update notes:
*First public beta release

Not regarding any character releases or updates, rather the site itself; Some links have been updated/fixed and WIP information has also been updated.
25th March 2016 - Secret challenger added to WIPs
A new fighter has entered the ring! But who exactly is this fighter? All will be revealed in due time..

10th March 2016 - Genocide Frisk announced
Those who read the WIP page should know about Frisk being able to spare opponents (Via a hyper attack) or kill them in Genocide fashion. Well, bundled with Frisk will be Genocide Frisk!
Genocide Frisk won't have the option to spare his opponents, will have increased damage, a different intro, and other changes. Since he'll come with regular Frisk, he shares a WIP slot with him.
5th March 2016 - Silly Spooo mini update
I noticed some bugs and issues in the current version of Silly Spooo, so I decided to do a 3.1 update to fix those problems as I work on version 4.
*Updated character-specific victory quotes
*Added victory quote against other Spooo's
*Added new winpose
*Fixed command for 'MLG Dimension'
You can find this update in the characters section.
4th March 2016 - Omega Flowey announced
Due to the lack of UNDERTALE stuff for Mugen, I've decided to make Omega Flowey (Or photoshop Flowey) as an AI-only boss character!
Unlike many of my characters, I'll release a beta due to this being my first time doing an AI-only boss, so I'll want lots of feedback. Stay tuned for more updates!
3rd March 2016 - Grizela palette released
While I work on Frisk, I decided to do a palette based off my favourite UNDERTALE character, Alphys, for Teaf's Grizela.
You can get this palette at the add-ons page.
Old format news (Before 3rd of March 2016)
25/2/2016 - Cartoonlover98 and Pitzashit have both been cancelled, but unfinished beta's may be released. Added Frisk to the WIP list.
18/2/2016 - The stage Papyrus and Sans's house has been released. Get it in the stages section. Also, removed Mewtwo from the WIP list.
16/2/2016 - Ness's House and Giygas's Lair have been released. You can get them both at the stages page.
21/1/2016 - Removed 'Character packs' section and Karera from the uploads, since both can be found at my other site, The Anamochi Archive.
7/1/2016 - Added Karera by Anamochi to the reuploads section of the others tab and an edit to m_canon has been released.
5/1/2016 - Added character packs section and added Kula edits pack to said section.
3/1/2016 (2) - SFW Minotaur has been cancelled, but the unfinished beta has been released for those that want to finish it or those that want to play as him (Without all the rape shit).
3/1/2016 - Layout has been changed for most pages; Everything is now organized by series, with the exception of the WIP page and Reuploads section.
1/1/2016 - File sizes for characters and edits are now displayed and Silly Spooo has been updated to verison 3. Get him at the Characters tab. Lastly, Koopatrol has been added to the WIPs tab.
31/12/2015 - AI patch for Hsiehtm's Roll has been released. Get it at the Patches and add-ons tab.
28/12/2015 - Some W.I.P. information has been updated, as well as the characters section, and Meta Knight has been added to the WIP section.
27/12/2015 - Website for my vore content has been made public. If you expected that stuff to be here, you'll want to go here instead: https://sites.google.com/site/endercreepervore/home
26/12/2015 - The winter palettes pack has been added to the patches and add-ons section, since the pack has only been hosted on The MUGEN Archive until now
23/12/2015 - Added new characters to the reuploads section of the Others tab; Supooo! and Nicole Watterson

Undertale Mugen Download Link Download

Snow leopard image download. 3DS - Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden - The #1 source for video game sprites on the internet! Oct 19, 2020 Extra Pallets for these two characters: RDI by or2=3 Extra Pallets 1. Black n White - Not intended to be related to Undertale's color scheme. Gold - With a hint of silver and bronze.

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